Sunday, October 03, 2004

Table Mountain and King of Kings

Continuing where Aaron left off........after the services he spoke of we headed to Table Mountain. We had lunch on the top of the mountain, with one of the most breath taking views I have ever experienced. Several of us kept talking about the diversity of this country, not only in nature, but also in the people , and the division of wealth here. We took walks along the paths and took in probably one of the most AWESOME sights of natural beauty in any part of the world. I just hope the photos and video we bring back can capture this. After seeing how this place was originally designed by God, it is so heart breaking to remember that so many here live without hope ANY hope. Seeing the children that have been orphaned and hearing the stories of how young many of the parents have died so young. No matter what is accomplished here through us or any other team that follows, it seems so little. Maybe this is why it seems with almost every devotion we hear, service we attend, or project we participate in , that some reference of the parable of the sower and the seed keeps popping up.

After an afternoon of visiting table moutain and a South African flea market, we headed back for dinner. We had to quickly eat in order for those of us that still had the energy could go to support Jason, Amanda, and Leigh Ann as they would be participating in the service tonight at King of Kings. This was a rather unique service. The trio sang one song with Mark H. and another with the three of them. This was more of a youth led service. The worship area was set up much like Kairos, with small tables to allow for more one to one time fellowship. We heard stories from some missionaries that had recently returned and then we to part in the Lord's Supper. This was done with more of a personal touch, hence the small groups at the tables.

We were once again reminded by God's hand in this world when we got back. Upon exiting the convi (actually a microbus) we were amazed at the shear splendor of a picture perfect starry night. With little or no outdoor man made light, it was breathtaking.

It is 6:20 am as I write this and we are beginning our day. Today will be our first time to work in our individual teams. We will begin with some light construction, then branch out into teams or community outreach, children's clubs, more serious construction, and various others. I can only imagine the range of emotion our community outreach team as well as the children workers will experience today. Our real effort begins in full force today . Our prayer is that even as little as it seems we accomplish , will be the seeds that others and God can use to later produce into something that man can not do along.

Continue to pray for our efforts, and God's help.

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