Friday, September 30, 2005

We Made It!

Well...we're here. 24 hours after we left and all of the luggage made it as well! No hang ups @ all...God has been SO good to us already! Upon arrival we have been able to see the whales playing off the coast, some walked the beach, we've sorted crayons for the children, eaten dinner, run through the rules and regulations of the Team House. (And yes, the ice cream freezer is FULL)

This is my first time in South Africa and what is hard for my brain to handle already is the extreme beauty and the extreme poverty residing side by side. 60% of the people here don't have running water or electricity. HIV/AIDS is out of control....the list can go on. At the same time I'm encouraged to see how God has blessed King of Kings and the Living Hope center...because of their obedience to go into their community and to take care of the poor. Erwin McManus writes "God clarifies in the midst of our obedience, not before hand."

Again...hard for me to put my mind around everything, espcially on 3 hours of sleep in the last 36ish.

With that being said...I'm off for bed.


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