Monday, September 29, 2008

Who Needs Electricity, Anyway?!?!

It's been a rainy day in Cape Town. We woke up to a fierce wind and immediately wondered what our day was going to hold because of the weather changes we weren't expecting. It was also the first day of Vacation Bible School... I am leading the music in Red Hill, a small township that has about 800 families and 3 camps: upper, middle and lower. We gather the kids by walking in their unsafe communities about a half hour before VBS would start and tell them to bring their friends. In our township we were expecting about 80 by the end of the week, so we assumed, rain and all, that today we'd only have about 45. We had 70 kids at VBS Red Hill today! PRAISE THE LORD!!! However, we learned that when we got to the facility, which is basically at tin box, we had NO electricity! How were we going to hold VBS in a tin box with no electricity while it's pouring down rain and we are wondering if the building will blow away due to the wind? Guess what?!? We did and it was WONDERFUL!!!

The beauty of these people is that they don't expect much. Although it's in my nature to give them much and specifically the BEST I can offer, because I've learned to never bring anything but the best before the Lord. We played games, sang "Outrigger Island" and "God is Real" acapella, taught God's biblical truth, memorized bible verses and simply PRAISED the Almighty God!!! There is a joy and a hope in these children's eyes that amazes me. One child pointed to a seashell and asked, "what is this?" We told them it was a seashell and then they continued to ask, "where did you get it from?" "The ocean," we said. The child asked, "where is that?" Red Hill is located about 2 miles off the coast of the Atlantic ocean and this child has NEVER even seen it. These children don't have much of anything but they have faith in the knowledge that God is real and that He loves them. So I ask you... Isn't that enough? It is for Red Hill.

The rain continued to pour over Cape Town the majority of the day, but along with the rain came blessings. Blessings of hope, love, faith and strength. A hope, I fear I could never have the way these children have it. A love that is given to all of us from the Father, who sent His Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for our sins. A faith in the knowledge of the Almighty God and a strength, that I'm still learning to accept so that I face these children tomorrow and be a light to them, in their lives and communities.

If the Lord wills, tomorrow is a new day in Cape Town. This trip has been a humbling experience so far and I am incredibly eager to see what the Lord will continue to do in Red Hill and Cape Town. Lives are going to continue to be changed and mine is one of them...

Dora Pop

Dora Pop


Anonymous said...

Woo hoo Dora and teams! We are praying for you all and know God is doing MIGHTY work through ya'll there!

Great stories of God's faith!

Lynette Villa de Rey said...

HI Dora!

Thank you so much for sharing this powerful story with us! How great is our God!

I will be praying for you all and look forward to continuing to hear more about how God is at work in and through all of you and in the lives of the children you are ministering to this week!

Grace and Peace in HIM,
